
Last Updated on: Mar. 20th, 2020

Shyu, Chase Jhih-Huang Ph.D. Student (CV)


Specialty: Geology, Thermochronology, Geodynamics, Geosciences

Hello, I'm Chase, a Ph.D. student of TIGP in the institute of Earth Sciences in Academia Sinica. I'm born in Taipei countryside, a really peaceful place with trees and mountains.


  • 2016 - Present: Ph.D., Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP)-Earth System Science Program, Academia Sinica and National Central University, Academia Sinica
  • 2011 - 2014 : M.S., Institute of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
  • 2007 - 2011 : B.S., Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University  

[Technical Skill]

  • Python, Fortran, C++, MatLab, JavaScript
  • GMT
  • Learning: HTML


  • 2011/08 - 2014/07 : None


  • 2011/08 - 2014/07 : The Thermal-Mechanical Evolution of Middle Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan: Using Numerical Modeling and Zircon Fission Track Ages
  • 2015/08 - : Numerical modeling on the growth and infilling of sedimentary basins during continental rifting